
It stands to reason that the quality of skill application in our country is largely influenced by the quality of the training that is provided.

It is our intention, therefore, to ensure that the educating of training practitioners is of a very high standard.  Our passion for the training we have provided for the past 9 years has been noticed by our clients to the extent that almost all our training provided is as a result of word of mouth references.

This programme is therefore designed to provide practitioners with the capacity to enhance the quality of skills development substantially.  It provides a step upwards from the FET Certificate and an entry to the Diploma level.

Study School 1: Communication

The two fundamental unit standards lay the foundation for delegates in terms of reading and writing correctly.  Seeing that practitioners need to have a correct understanding of the OBET principles and have to communicate the legislative requirements to management and employees, it is imperative that they communicate accurately and professionally.  Learners will be given the opportunity to develop their written and oral communication skills while interacting with others.

Study School 2: Mentoring & Support

Learners will develop the skill to identify special needs and barriers to learning and how to support learners through the mentoring process to manage their learning experiences.  This includes giving advice on skills development and related issues while at the same time guide learners about their learning , assessment and recognition opportunities.


Study School 3: Assessment

Learners develop the skill to assess competence according to legislative requirements.  Learners conduct two assessments and complete their portfolios on the last day of the course.


Study School 4: Assessment Design

The assessment can only be as good as the assessment design.  Learners will, therefore, learn to analyse unit standards and to design, develop and pilot valid and reliable assessment instruments.


Study School 5: Instructional Design & Development

This course will help ETD practitioners to design learning programmes to meet defined learning needs, thus producing a brief for the development of the learning programmes.  And for ETD practitioners to develop learning programmes to meet defined learning needs according to a given design specification.

Study School 6: Facilitation

Learners will enhance their facilitation skills in the classroom as well as in the workplace where they will facilitate the transfer of learning in the workplace.  This will include the effective use of different training methodologies and the evaluating of the effectiveness of the training presented.

Study School 7: Training Needs Analysis & Evaluation

Training naturally starts where there is a skills gap.  Learners are given the opportunity to develop their competence in identifying performance gap sthrough statistical analysis and skills audits.  Learners are trained to assist new employees to transfer their knowledge into their new work environment.  Learners will also learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of training interventions.

Who should attend?

This qualification is for those who want to build on a FET certificate or who want to enter the field of ODETD as a potential career.  Learning Facilitators, Assessors and ETD Practitioners, in general, will benefit most from this training because of its flexibility and suitability in any business environment.

Entry Requirements:

Any OD or HRD certificate at NQF level 4, plus a year or more experience in the ETD environment. It is also assumed that learners have the occupational expertise in the field in which they intend to present training and development.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Learners who have already completed some individual unit standards that form part of this qualification can apply for RPL for these unit standards.

Assessment and certification:

The training consists of seven study schools for which seven portfolios have to be submitted.  A National Certificate:  OD ETD Practices – NQF level 5 -121 credits – NLRD 50334 will be presented to the learners who achieved the required level of competence. This certificate qualifies you to enrol for the Diploma in ETD Practice.

Study School 1: Communication

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Fundamental 115790 Write and present for a wide range of purposes, audiences and contexts 5 5
Fundamental 115789 Sustain oral interaction across a wide range of purposes, audiences and contexts 5 5
Core 114924/263976 Demonstrate understanding of the OBET approach within the context of an NQF 5 5
Core 15221 Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues 5 4
Total Credits 19

Study School 2: Mentoring And Support

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Elective 10294 Identify and respond to learners with special needs and barriers to learning 5 10
Core 117865 Assist and support learners to manage their learning experiences 4 5
Core 117874 Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities 5 6
Total Credits 21
Total credits for this qualification

Study School 3: Assessment

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Core 115753 Conduct outcomes-based assessments 5 15
Total Credits 15

Study School 4: Assessment Design

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Elective 115755  Design and develop outcomes-based assessments 6 10
Total Credits 10

Study School 5: Instructional Design & Development

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Elective 123401 Design outcomes-based learning programmes 6 15
Elective 123394 Develop outcomes-based learning programmes 5 10
Total Credits 25

Study School 6: Facilitation

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Core 117871 Facilitator learning using a variety of given methodologies 5 10
Total Credits 10

Study School 7: Training Needs Analysis & Evaluation

Type U/S ID Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
Core 123396 Define target audience profiles and skills gaps 4 6
Core 123397 Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments 5 10
Elective 123398 Facilitate the transfer and application of learning in the workplace 5 5
Total Credits 21

Assessment and certification:

The training consists of seven study schools for which seven portfolios have to be submitted.  A National Certificate:  OD ETD Practices – NQF level 5 -121 credits – NLRD 50334 will be presented to the learners who achieved the required level of competence. This certificate qualifies you to enrol for the Diploma in ETD Practice.

Total credits for this qualification: 121
Study School 1: Communication | Total Credits: 19
  1. Write and present for a wide range of purposes, audiences and contexts
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 115790 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 5
  2. Sustain oral interaction across a wide range of purposes, audiences and contexts
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 115789 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 5
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the OBET approach within the context of an NQF
    Type: Fundamental | U/S ID: 114924/263976 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 5
  4. Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues
    Type: Fundamental | U/S ID: 15221 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 4
Study School 2: Mentoring and Support | Total Credits: 21
  1. Identify and respond to learners with special needs and barriers to learning
    Type: Elective | U/S ID: 10294 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 10
  2. Assist and support learners to manage their learning experience
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 117865 | NQF Level: 4 | Credits: 5
  3. Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 117874 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 6
Study School 3: Facilitation | Total Credits: 10
  1. Facilitator learning using a variety of given methodologies
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 117871 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 10
Study School 4: Assessment | Total Credits: 15
  1. Conduct outcomes-based assessments
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 115753 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 15
Study School 5: Assessment Design | Total Credits: 10
  1. Design and develop outcomes-based assessments
    Type: Elective | U/S ID: 115755 | NQF Level: 6 | Credits: 10
Study School 6: Instructional Design & Development | Total Credits: 25
  1. Design outcomes-based learning programmes
    Type: Elective | U/S ID: 123401 | NQF Level: 6 | Credits: 15
  2. Design outcomes-based learning programmes
    Type: Elective | U/S ID: 123394 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 10
Study School 7: Training Needs Analysis | Total Credits: 21
  1. Facilitate the transfer and application of learning in the workplace
    Type: Elective | U/S ID: 123398 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 5
  2. Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 123397 | NQF Level: 5 | Credits: 10
  3.  Define target audience profiles and skills gaps
    Type: Core | U/S ID: 123396 | NQF Level: 4 | Credits: 6
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