Facilitator Workshop

Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies workshop


This workshop is based on the SAQA-registered unit standard ID 117871 – “Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies” on NQF level 5 with 10 credits. The purpose of this training program is to give learners the opportunity to learn how to plan and prepare for effective learning opportunities.

This learning intervention provides key and underlying skills for other ETD Practitioner such as knowing the learners, the learning environment, the different facilitation methods and how to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.



This is a (5) five-day workshop and the portfolios are completed during the course.

Workshop Methodology

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Course theory
Practical exercises
Completing course theory Unit standard requirements Starting
the first presentation
Completing the first presentation Starting the second presentation of 40 minutes each Completing the second presentation
Portfolio building

Workshop Methodology

Day 1

Course theory
Practical exercises

Day 2

Completing course theory
Unit standard requirements
Starting the first presentation

Day 3

Completing the first presentation

Day 4

Starting the second presentation of 40 minutes each

Day 5

Completing the second presentation
Portfolio building

Programme Outcomes

By the end of this training programme, learners will demonstrate their understanding and ability to:

1. Know who the learners are by
  • Understanding the domains of learning
  • Understand learning taxonomies and
  • Analysing learning outcomes

2. Prepare the learning environment by
  • Different classroom layout styles
  • Applying safety aspects and
  • Using the correct resources correctly

3. Facilitate by using the appropriate facilitation methodologies
  • Lecturing
  • Role-plays
  • Case studies
  • Practical simulated methods
  • Workplace facilitations, etc.

4. Evaluate learning and facilitation by
  • Using course evaluations
  • Various forms of feedback and
  • Evaluating the learning event

What’s in it for you?

This course forms part of the core training for an ETD Practitioner. The skills acquired in this course will equip you with the key skills to perform the functions required of a facilitator and will serve as a platform for further development. The function of the facilitator is vital to the successful achievement of company goals and objectives.
Who does what?

Learners are expected to actively participate by:
  • Complying with any pre-requisite requirements that accompany the Learning intervention.
  • Taking part in and completing group activities, practical assignments and discussions.
  • Planning and preparing for the training and assessment.
  • Completing the assessment tasks and submitting a portfolio of evidence.
  • Ask for support when needed

Learners are supported in the following ways:
  • Throughout the learning experience, the facilitator provides on-going telephonic, personal, and e-mail support to assist with the achievement of the outcomes.
  • The facilitator provides you with all the necessary training material.
  • The facilitator manages the learning process during the training.
  • The evidence submitted is assessed for competence and feedback is provided for developmental purposes and follow-up assessments where necessary.


Learners have to complete some written assignments and do a presentation that is observed by the Facilitator. The portfolios are completed in the workplace and after a max period of 6 weeks should be submitted to LSS. Learners will receive credits for competent ratings on assessments. These credits contribute 1 unit standard and 10 credits towards an Occupation-Directed National Diploma in Education, Training & Development Practice at NQF Level 5. The laid down policies and procedures with regard to assessment, moderation, RPL and appeals govern this assessment. Candidates are rated Competent or Not Yet Competent against assessment criteria.

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