Material Design and Development

Also called Instructional Design


This workshop is based on the SAQA-registered Unit Standards ID 123401 – Design Outcomes-Based Learning Programmes, NQF Level 6 with 15 credits and ID 123394 – Develop Outcomes-Based Learning Programmes, NQF level 5 with 10 Credits.



The workshop runs over five (5) consecutive days.  Thereafter learners have 6 – 8 weeks to design & develop learning material for their portfolios.


Learning Assumed to be in Place

It is assumed that learners already have an understanding of design and development techniques.

Workshop Learning Objectives

Participants will learn how to:
  • draft learning outcomes
  • develop a design strategy
  • analyse unit standards for the design
  • design a learning programme from a unit standard
  • develop a brief for the developers to develop the learning material
  • design a costing structure for design & development
  • evaluate the learning design
  • plan the development systematically
  • develop the learning material
  • develop facilitation guides
  • develop course evaluation forms
  • pilot and evaluate the learning programme

The workshop learning activities and materials also address the following:
  • Understanding Outcomes-Based Education
  • Understanding the NQF principles
  • Understanding the assessment principles
  • Learner special needs and barriers
  • Formulate learning outcomes
  • ETQA requirements for instructional design
  • Learning styles and preferences
  • Facilitation methods
  • Evaluating the programme design

Workshop Methodology

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5


Foundational knowledge required to understand the design & development principles

Developing a strategy for instructional design.

Formulating learning outcomes

Analysing the unit standard

Developing the design brief

Designing a costing structure

Developing a design evaluation checklist

Developing a development plan

Designing a costing structure

Developing a design evaluation checklist

Developing a development plan

Developing a facilitation guide

Developing a course evaluation

Work through assignment

Workshop Methodology

Day 1



Foundational knowledge required to understand the design & development principles

Day 2

Developing a strategy for instructional design.

Formulating learning outcomes

Analysing the unit standard

Developing the design brief

Day 3

Designing a costing structure

Developing a design evaluation checklist

Developing a development plan

Day 4

Designing a costing structure

Developing a design evaluation checklist

Developing a development plan

Day 5

Developing a facilitation guide

Developing a course evaluation

Work through assignment


During the 5-day workshop, learners are assessed while doing the formative exercises.  When the portfolio is submitted the portfolio assignments will be assessed summatively.  Critical cross-field outcomes are assessed while being observed in the classroom.

The portfolio is submitted to LSS for assessment and as soon as the candidates are found competent, they will receive a letter and assessment report indicating their competence declaration. We issue a certificate of competence and Statement of Results as an endorsement from the ETDP SETA.

Submission date

Portfolios have to be submitted maximum eight weeks after the workshop was attended.  Late submissions will incur additional assessment costs.


Candidates who are found not-yet-competent will be given an opportunity to re-submit at no additional cost.  Failure to meet the re-assessment submission date will, however, incur additional assessment costs.

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