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Workshop application/registration form

Fill in the form below or alternatively download the document, complete and fax to 086 516 2600 at least 10 days before workshop commencement date.

Fields marked with * are compulsary

Course application/ registration form

I accept that this workshop will not automatically lead to certification, but that I will have to be assessed on an assignment (cost included in workshop) to be completed at my work place within two months of completing the workshop. *

Please note*

Cancelation Clause*

Method of payment:

Electronic payment to: Learnership Support Systems,

ABSA bank account No.:  405 606 0381

Branch No: 632 005

Reference: Please use (your name+date) or (Company name+date) as reference on the deposit slip to inform us whose payment it is.

Please fax a copy of deposit slip to Learnership Support Systems at 086 516 2600 prior to workshop.

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